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английские стишки

Помогите, пжлст, найти небольшие английские стишки (1-2 четверостишия) для 6-летнего мальчишки. Можно и простенькие песенки, но тогда напойте мелодию. :) А то помню еще с детства только одну песенку "Old McDonald had a farm..."(кажется, так) а требуется разнообразие. :)
12.01.2005 16:40:49,

18 комментариев

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Красно Солнышко
А это у нас на очереди :)


This is the house that Jack built.
This is the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

That is the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

That is the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn.
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cock that crowed in the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
13.01.2005 04:55:48, Красно Солнышко
Красно Солнышко
Вот недавно учили:

Little Blue Ben,
who lives in the glen,
Keeps a blue cat
and one blue hen
Which lays of blue eggs
a score and ten;
Where shall I find
the little Blue Ben?
13.01.2005 00:27:17, Красно Солнышко
Ещё песенка - "do you know a muffin man".
Поищите гуглом, "songs for todds"
12.01.2005 18:30:43, male
Как много! Всем огромное спасибо. Щаз напечатаю и домой потащу, деть будет безумно рад! :) 12.01.2005 17:01:27, Рики-Тики-Тави
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven-
Count the lovely arch of heaven.
Seven colours of the bow -
Sweetiest, finest thing I know.

Я это читала на вступительном в англ спецшколу (ага, вот это память (с)) в 6 лет - приняли, так что удачливый стиш. Там вроде еще вторая строфа есть, но не вспомню - загуглите, должно найтись.
12.01.2005 16:55:39, АнглоГалка
Вот учите наздоровье :)))

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat
Where have you been?
I have been to Mother,
To see my dear brother.
Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair.

Help your mother, lay the table;
Put a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother, lay the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother, clean the table;
Take a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother, clean the table
Morning, night and afternoon.
I love got a dog,
His name is Jack.
His head is white,
His nose is black.

I take him out
Every day.
Such fun we have!
We run and play.
Such clever tricks
My dog can do.
I love my dog!
He loves me too!

We have fingers,
We have toes.
How many of these?
How many of those?
We have eyes.
How many? – Two.
When they look at you,
They say « How do you do?»


Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski, and skate
And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun.

A Happy New Year

A Happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white
The sky is so bright?
We shout with all night:
"A Happy New Year!"
December comes, so white and cold,
With snow it stops the rain,
It comes and draws thees young and old
On every window-pane.

12.01.2005 16:46:20, КалиНа*

I have a father.
I have a mother.
I have a sister.
I have a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother –
Hand in hand with one another.

This is my father. This is my mother.
This is my brother Paul.
This is my sister, this is my uncle.
How I love them all.
Here is my father,
Here is my mother,
Here is my sister,
Here is my brother.
Father, mother,
Sister, brother –
We like to be together.
That is your mother,
I agree, she is fine.
You love your mother,
And I love mine!
My Mother’s Face
I know a face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace,
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives light.
A face that is itself like joy,
To see it I’m a happy boy.
And I have a joy that have no other.
This lovely woman is my mother!
I love my Mummy
1, 1, 1 – I love the sun.
2, 2, 2 – I love my Mummy too!
3, 3, 3 – My Mummy loves me.
4, 4, 4 – I love her more and more.
I count from 1 – I love the sun.
I count to four – I love my Mummy more!
Help Your Mother!
Help your mother, lay the table;
Put a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother, lay the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother, clean the table;
Take a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother, clean the table
Morning, night and afternoon.

Parts of Body

It’s me.
I have two legs
With which I walk.
I have a tongue
With which I talk,
And with it too
I eat my food
And tell
If it ‘s bad or good.
I have
I have a head.
It’s very well!
I have a nose,
So I can smell.
I have two eyes
And I can see,
I have two ears
And I can hear.
I have two legs
So I can walk,
I have a mouth.
So I can talk.
How many fingers do I have?
How many fingers do I have?
Five on my right hand,
Five on my left hand.
How many fingers do I have?
How many toes do I have?
Five on my right foot,
Five on my left foot.
How many toes do I have.

All About Me
Ten little fingers,
Ten little toes;
Two little ears,
And one little nose;
Two little blue eyes
That shine so nice
And always so broght;
One little mouth
To kiss Mum “Good night”.


Мы сегодня оказались не в лесу
Мы сегодня оказались in the zoo
Кто сидит там на полянке
Это обезьянка - monkey.
Bear здесь - медведь лохматый
Tiger - тигр полосатый
Здесь и elephant большой
Здесь и wolf совсем не злой
Вот "a fox", a вот "a bear"
Вот "giraffe", а вот "a hare"
Кто это, смотри скорей!
Это lion - царь зверей
Hippo - бегемот большой
Говорит: "Пора домой!"

Ганжа Е.А.

Посмотрите, что я шью!
Фартук будет новый - new
Двойку получил сосед.
Он сегодня грустный - sad
Мальчик Сева умный - clever
Знает право где и лево.
Брата на руках носили.
Думали, что глупый - silly
Думал нам в ответ братишка:
"Сами умные вы слишком!"

Котова Е.И.
(отрывок из книги "Я какой?").

Раз, раз - one, one
К нам пришли сегодня гости
И уселись на диван.

Нашу песню слушал слон
И сказал ребятам он:
- Я не знаю, как мне быть.
Я хочу вам подарить
Каждому кулек сластей!
Сколько к нам пришло гостей?
Есть здесь Саши, Пети, Жени…
Вас здесь СКОЛЬКО? How many?
СКОЛЬКО здесь ДЕВЧОНОК? How many girls?
СКОЛЬКО надо БУЛОК? How many rolls?

Очень долго слон считал,
Очень сильно он устал.
Время - ДЕВЯТЬ. 9 o'clock.
Ночь пришла к нам на порог.
Время - десять. 10 o'clock.
Гости! Кушайте пирог!

С.М. Тетерин.

12.01.2005 16:57:52, КалиНа*
Я бы с удовольствием. только печатать лень:) Мой ребенок помладше (и без никакого английского) знает пару стишков из-за моего механического повторения. Одно из них такое:

When you shake and shake the ketchup bottle -
First comes none, and then a lottle.

Другое - early to bed - early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
12.01.2005 16:45:06, Кондратея
а еще вот так, но это уже не детское :)
early to rise, early to bed
makes a amn healthy, wealthy and dead :)
12.01.2005 16:51:55, маро
А что такое amn ? 12.01.2005 17:11:02, кисс
опечтака. man :) 12.01.2005 17:13:21, маро
Ух! А я со словарем искала:)))) 12.01.2005 17:27:23, кисс
:) Еще менее детское (но мне известно с детства) - candy is dandy, but the liquor is quicker. 12.01.2005 16:54:16, Кондратея
ОFF: совершенно не детское, но очень полезное на практике:

Beer then liquor - never been sicker,
Liquor then beer - never fear!

(надеюсь, что я ничего не перепутала, т.к. обычно не мешаю liquor и beer)
12.01.2005 17:30:26, Лана Б.
:) Просто мудрость всех времен и народов :)
Вино на пиво - диво
Пиво на вино - г-но :)
12.01.2005 18:01:34, Анитка
что-то тут не так, получается совсем наоборот. В английском варианте - пиво на вино - диво и наоборот...
Наверное "особенности русской бани"
12.01.2005 18:40:03, Лана Б.
:))И главное-святая правда!:) 12.01.2005 16:55:35, Jules
Это, и то, что про кетчуп - это Огден Нэш. Я вот так его сначала знала - а потом узнала автора и он вообще мне очень нравится! Прямо все подряд! 12.01.2005 16:57:18, Кондратея

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