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Firstly, I thank you for taking the time to consider N.Inc, we appreciate your interest. In case you haven't
notice yet, we are a different "kind" of IT firm. We pride
ourselves on being different from the rest. Those
differences have enabled N.Inc to succeed and we
will only continue to succeed with the addition of dynamic
individuals to our team. We are not big on formalities. If
you are to be part of our team, the most important skill is
adaptability and the desire to "fly by the seat of your
pants". You will be given as much responsibility as you
can handle and encouraged to be a vital part of our
organization. We are always running from project to
project and need people who can understand this
concept. You will never have just one thing to focus on!
Sound exciting? Sound tiring? Yes, it can be both.
However, you will never be bored. And, we want the new
staff members, as part of our team, to see and feel part of
the progression of N.

We are competing with the big boys like Microsoft and
Oracle in our horizontal markets and countless others in
our vertical markets (ie: museums, libraries, archives, e-
learning, contact mgt, correspondence tracking and other
to come). Currently, we are small but we are mighty in
comparison to others. Therefore, we have something to
prove - bigger is not always better. The additional staff to
N.Inc will like to 'live on the edge' and must be
loyal, quick learners. In the end, it will all feel worth it.
Currently, we have 0% turnover and our average age of
experience is an overwhelming 15 yrs with N. We
need some new blood that wants to take part in our new
growth and take on the world.

All resumes will be reviewed closely and upon my return
from travels to Europe and the Middle East over the next
3 weeks. An information session will be held for those
who have passed the initial screening . The selected
applicants will be invited to attend the information session
the week of September 23, 2002. After the hour
presentation, you will have the option to meet with myself
and our Chief Architect, one-on-one, to discuss your
specific skills and background. We will then check
references and offer employee contracts as soon as
possible. We want to engage the new resources by
October, understanding you may require giving notice to
your current employer.

I apologise for the delay, trust me, I would much rather sit
down and hire today then go away travelling - but our
clients have to come first. However, for the lucky, talented
individuals, the opportunity with N.Inc will be worth
the wait.

To recap, from the newspaper advertisement, we will be
interested in people in the following capacities:

1) C, C++ and windows programming staff to work on the
core source code of N.This will include adding new
features, functionality and improving the interface of our
SMA product. It will also include the betterment of our
interconnectivity (ODBC) with other RDBMS like Oracle,
SQL Server et al.

2) We will also be hiring individuals charged with using
N.to enhance our existing applications like: M3,
M2A and M2L, along with building new applications for
new markets. These individuals will have to learn how to
use the N.tools, employ Rapid Application
Development techniques and so on. Application
specialists will liaise with the C, C++ / core developers to
ensure that application requirements can be satisfied with
the core tools or by the addition of special exits.
Understanding and experience with RDBMS is essential.

3) Web Interface Personnel These people will be charged
with ensuring the existing N.Web Interface can
continue to improve and add new capabilities for all
N. users. The list of new capabilities include: XML
import, java scripts and ensuring we take advantage of the
latest in web development. Also, this person would be
tasked with deriving some new 'splash' for our web site
and creating more ways to liaise with our clients and

4) Marketing Personnel. Our focus is on the Product
development side. Once progression has started, the
Marketing personnel will be out there drumming up
interest. Sales folk are always the most difficult to
handle, trust me - I am one. Just a little humour.

Again, once your rйsumй has been reviewed and short-
listed, you will receive an email to invite you to our
information session at the end of September. If you show
up, we will have preliminary interview times set up. I
know some of you may think - "Oh, I don't like the thought
of being in a room with other candidates". Well, get over
it. We are hiring up to ten (10) resources over the next 3
months. So you will have a chance to meet your potential
co-workers. This approach ensures everyone is on an
even footing. Years of experience doesn't always equate
to technical aptitude nor personal attitude. Therefore, we
are interested in all IT levels and backgrounds. In
addition, we will try to fly in some of our staff for
interviews, as well. You are joining a team and their
opinions mean the world to me. I look forward to meeting
you and discussing N., our long history and exciting

Eric, my assistant will follow up with you. I sincerely
appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting the
new N.Inc Team members.
28.08.2002 23:36:02,

33 комментария

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Ань, если честно, я бы не отреагировала, имея работу (То есть, если бы эта фирма не была последней надеждой). Звучит, как настоящий sweatshop. Мне нравится, что они «конкурируют» с Майкрософтом и Оракл. Смешно, право. :о))) 29.08.2002 00:35:16, Вербочка
Почитай последнее интервью с СЕО Оракла (в Плейбое, за август). Очень любопытно, особенно- про его отношение к Майкрософту.

29.08.2002 00:47:59, Abilene
Я его не читала, но Лэри славится своим умением "перлы" выдавать. 29.08.2002 01:23:43, Daniella
Лучше расскажи вкратце. А то Playboy куплю, муж долго удивляться будет. :о))) 29.08.2002 00:51:20, Вербочка
Не, не расскажу:) Почитай сама. А почему муж должен удивится? 29.08.2002 00:53:45, Abilene
Вредина! :о)
Почему удивится? Сама подумай, у нас дома подобной литературы впомине не было, а тут я Playboy приволоку. Заподозрит в чём-нибудь. :о))
29.08.2002 00:57:42, Вербочка
Ладно, уговорила. Я тебе завтра его отсканирую. Хошь?:)(email davaj!) Кстати, литература "такая" очень даже интересные статьи и интервью печатает:) 29.08.2002 00:59:30, Abilene
Лето Вечное
Представляете, какие гады. Я обычно все заблокированные сайты через гугл кэш смотрела, а теперь и её заблокировали на работе (это я хотела эту статью в инете почитать).
29.08.2002 01:55:46, Лето Вечное
Постой-постой, там же Al Michaels? 29.08.2002 02:20:58, Daniella
Лето Вечное
Я не виновата, я же не вижу, что там, может и в другом месте, но где-то должно быть, я раньше читала укороченные интервью оттуда через гугл кэш :)
29.08.2002 02:24:47, Лето Вечное
Лето, меня из-за тебя уволят, но все равно прочитаю:) 29.08.2002 02:19:02, Daniella
Лето Вечное
Я отрывков начиталась с разных сайтов про интервью с цитатами. Как обычно в его духе, что же ещё бедному остаётся.
Мне вот понравилось:
He(Ellison)'s wild about Bill Clinton: "I went nightclubbing with him recently in New Orleans. There is no better person." And he means as president, not just as fellow joyboy ...
29.08.2002 02:22:48, Лето Вечное
И мне, плиз:) 29.08.2002 01:22:28, Daniella
мыл давай!:) 29.08.2002 17:12:38, Abilene
Ага. :о) Мыл в регистрации. 29.08.2002 01:05:25, Вербочка
А как аттачу цеплять на мыло, что в конфе? Я не умею...:( 29.08.2002 01:10:28, Abilene
A.... Семён Семёныч!
29.08.2002 01:18:51, Вербочка
ОФФ: Все, не могу больше. Откуда это - "Семен Семеныч!"??? 29.08.2002 01:44:13, Крыска
iz briljantovoj ruki 29.08.2002 01:47:07, Ингеборга
Ну и? В чем прикол-то? 29.08.2002 01:50:04, Крыска
Идиома, или как там правильно называется . Смысл - не поняла очевидного 29.08.2002 01:52:21, Ингеборга
Adviser :)
A mne mozhno tozhe? Cherez e-mail v konferencii. Spasibo ogromnoe!!! 29.08.2002 01:01:28, Adviser :)
Да какая там последняя надежда ? Я только 2 дня, как созрела искать новую работу , пока еще плохо представляю вообще, что на рынке проис ходит. 29.08.2002 00:41:13, Ингеборга
Еж (ritta)
ochen' zavisit ot tvoej lichnoj situacii, no sdelat' kak polosatik posovetovala nikogda ne vredno 28.08.2002 23:52:44, Еж (ritta)
Хм, я бы не отвечала. 28.08.2002 23:46:05, Крыска
Вот я не могу решить, стоит ли 28.08.2002 23:46:53, Ингеборга
Adviser :)
А почему бы и не ответить? До конца сентября еще куча времени - можно решить идти или не идти на интервью. Хотя выглядит все это несерьезно, ответ не влечет за собои никаких обязательств ИМХО 28.08.2002 23:48:46, Adviser :)
Права, отвечу :) 28.08.2002 23:50:14, Ингеборга
Вот-вот, мне бы было жалко своего времени, потраченного на ответ. 28.08.2002 23:49:46, Крыска
Adviser :)
Как помпезно :)
Я бы написала что-то вроде
Thank you bla-bla-bla can't wait till September :)... will be happy to come for the intereview...your wonderful company :) , вобщем несколько предложении в таком духе.
28.08.2002 23:45:59, Adviser :)
I would respond in a "cover-letter" style
"yes, I am interested, your company sounds exciting, I can do . . . , will be great to meet in person"
Keep it nice, short and enthusiastic.
28.08.2002 23:45:06, полосатик
Лето Вечное
Я бы тоже. 28.08.2002 23:46:41, Лето Вечное
спасибо 28.08.2002 23:46:11, Ингеборга

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