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поделитесь, пожалуйста рецептом штруделя. А то очень охота испечь ))
02.11.2008 17:36:44,

4 комментария

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Мама Сени
http://www.gurman-tv.ru/?a=recipes&recipeid=230 03.11.2008 23:18:51, Мама Сени
Струдель это рулет. Берем 0,5 стак. холодн. воды, 4 стол ложки растит. масла 2,5 стак муки,1 ч. ложка погашен. соды, соль,1 яйцо. Муку просеим, + соль,+ сода. Углубление в серединке, вливаем яйцо, масло и воду. Вымешиваем, до эластичности, на 30 мин. оставляем, закрыв салфеткой. Раскатываем как можно тоньше, обрызн. маслом и положить начинку. (Есть капустная - готовим как на пирожки с капустой; Есть маковая- варим мак с медом на молоке или сливках, добавл. изюм, орехи, цедру; Есть яблочная - Мелко нарезанные яблоки, орехи, изюм, корица, сахар, цукаты). Можно варенья с сухофруктами и орехами для начинки. Сухофр. на 2 часа замочить предварительно. 02.11.2008 18:33:03, Mama_Ima
Забыла написать, что закатываем рулетом. Приятного аппетита. 02.11.2008 18:36:15, Mama_Ima
1. Apple Strudel (Apfelstrudel)

Ingredients, by weight (serves 10):

for the dough:
10-1/2 oz. bread flour
l/6 oz. salt
1-l/2 oz. vegetable oil
5-1/3 oz. water, lukewarm

for the filling:
4-1/2 lb. apples (Golden Delicious), sliced
5-l/3 oz. granulated sugar
1-1/2 oz. dark rum (Myers)
5-1/3 oz. raisins
1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 lemons (juice and peel)

for the buttered breadcrumbs:
10-1/2 oz. butter (unsalted)
10-1/2 oz. bread crumbs

Knead flour, salt, oil and water into a medium-firm dough. Divide into 3 small round loaves, brush each loaf with melted butter and let sit for 1 hour.

Peel, core and slice apples. Mix in granulated sugar, raisins, grated lemon peel, lemon Juice, rum, cinnamon and blend together well.

Roll the dough loaves with a rolling pin, then stretch rolled dough on a strudel sheet with the backs of your hands. Coat 2/3 of dough sheet with buttered breadcrumbs, spread apple filling over remaining 1/3 of dough. Tear off edges, shape strudel into roll by lifting strudel sheet. Place strudel on a buttered baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Bake strudel for 60 to 90 minutes in a 400 degrees F to 425 degrees F oven.
2. видео мастер-класс http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-apple-strudel

3. Apple Strudel
strudel Apfelstrudel

Viennese Apfelstrudel is famous all over the world, but few people realize that the Viennese borrowed the idea for paper-thin leaves of pastry from the Hungarians, who in turn took it from the Turks.


* 12 sheets of frozen filo pastry, thawed
* 1 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled
* 3/4 cup ground almonds
* confectioners' sugar, to finish


* 2 lb tart apples
* finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
* 1/2 cup raisins
* 1/3 cup superfine sugar
* 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. To make the filling: Peel, core, and thinly slice the apples and immediately toss them with the other filling ingredients. Dredge a tea towel with flour and place one sheet of filo on it with the long side facing you. Brush the filo with melted butter. Place another sheet of filo on top of the first and brush with more melted butter. Continue in this way until there are twelve sheets of filo on top of each other with butter in between. Sprinkle the top sheet of buttered filo with the ground almonds, then evenly cover with the filling, leaving a wide border all around the edges. Fold in these edges to seal in the filling, then brush them with melted butter. Using the tea towel to help you, roll up the filo away from you. Carefully lift the roll, seam side down, onto a butter baking sheet and tuck in the ends so the filling does not ooze out during baking. Brush all over with melted butter and bake for 30 minutes or until crisp and golden. Serve warm, dusted with confectioners' sugar.

Serves 8-10
02.11.2008 18:22:02, три рецепта

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