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Вот если кому интересно, это ответ моего

Вот если кому интересно, это ответ моего шефа на одну статью про ислам в Nature
Nature 414, 249 (2001) © Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Science is universal, not part of any religion

Sir – In your Opinion article "Fighting against terrorism, engaging with Islamic science" (Nature 413, 235; 2001) you tell readers that, as scientists, we can do more for the societies engaged in the present "conflict" (a noble euphemism for an unprovoked attack on civilians), and that the indiscriminate killing of innocents is not the consequence of a clash of civilizations.

You state: "many Islamic scholars and leaders have emphasized that the murder of the innocent is as offensive to their beliefs as to anyone else's". Surely the evil of killing people is self-evident and hardly requires a restatement by scholars and leaders, whether Islamic or Icelandic? You go on to say: "resurgent Islam appears to be giving a sense of values ... to populations ... repressed within their countries" and that revolutionary intent (or what others would call 'terrorism') is the pastime of only some activist groups. In plain English, you are telling us that one should have understanding for those whose cultural identity is enhanced by flying passenger aircraft into skyscrapers.

Your article provides URLs for two websites as part of your analysis of the conflict between Islamic and Western science. The first contains an original and unbiased discussion of the issue by Dr Mehrzad Boroujerdi; the second is a poorly reproduced speech, based on lecture notes, markedly political and rhetorical in character, but hardly a scholarly document.

Most educated people know that Islamic science is responsible for one of the major events in the history of civilization: the passing on of the Greek science of antiquity to mediaeval Europe. By doing this, Islamic science was not merely a messenger but an active generator of a scientific revolution without which Europe might never have entered the Renaissance. From algebra to algorithm, Islamic science left an indelible print on the Western scientific edifice. This was supplemented by its tolerance for and nurturing of non-Islamic cultures, as demonstrated by the unprecedented flowering of Hebrew scholarship and poetry in Arabic Spain.

But what is meant by Islamic science in the year 2001? Is there Islamic chemistry or Islamic quantum mechanics? I do not think so. I admire and respect an Arab biologist who does superb work in my field, and a geneticist colleague of mine collaborates with Palestinian physicians on a health-related project, even while the guns are roaring. I admire the Arab fellow-scientist because he is first-class, not because he is a representative of Islamic science — a classification I am certain he would abhor.

Your preaching that we should prevent the killing of innocents by "engaging with Islamic science" is a crass example of neo-colonialist paternalism and an offence to scientists labelled as Islamic. My ancestors made a modest contribution to the compilation of the Bible, but this does not mean that I live by the principle of an eye for an eye; neither did my British Christian colleagues offer the other cheek when threatened by Nazi rule.

The proposal that fostering collaboration between Islamic and Western scientists is an effective means in the fight against terrorism should be first and foremost rejected by those who have been so carelessly categorized as "Islamic" scientists. An international gang of well-financed criminals, using the cream of Western science for the sole purpose of indiscriminate killing, has as little to do with Islamic science as the Boston Strangler has with America's founding fathers.

Edgar Pick
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim–Minerva Centre for Phagocyte Research, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

15.11.2001 14:21:54,

11 комментариев

Вы не авторизованы. Для отправки сообщения необходимо авторизоваться.

А что же еще профессор Тель-Авивского университета про арабов написать? Неудивлюсь, если вскоре выяснится, что это достижения евреев :-)))))) 15.11.2001 18:41:45, ???
Добрая ты девушка... а перевести? :)) 15.11.2001 15:34:29, O'Merry
Оля, не могу. Мне лень:-))))))Но я постараюсь это сделать 15.11.2001 15:37:46, Natsi
Ключевые слова - что у арабов никакой науки не существует. 15.11.2001 16:16:14, Пелагея
Хм.. он не учил математику...... 16.11.2001 18:50:45, Руфь
:)) Мне индусы рассказали, что на самом деле арабы все у них позаимствовали :)))))) 16.11.2001 18:58:56, Леандра
Ну,это известная фигня...
16.11.2001 19:05:14, Руфь
Хм.. он не учил математику...... 16.11.2001 18:50:41, Руфь
Он, видимо, говорит о том, что происходит сейчас и, кажется, про химию (не буду открывать и искать). А в современной математике очень много русских имен:) 16.11.2001 23:44:47, Пелагея
Я попробую и то письмо, на которое он отвечал сюда засунуть. Хотя может народу не интересно. 15.11.2001 16:25:04, Natsi
Народу интересно :))С Вашим боссом я согласна:),в том смысле,что о Islamic Science в 2001 году говорить не преходится.То есть ученные-арабы есть,но это с Исламом не связанно(и не подумайте, что Исламом наука запрещенна:))Вообще,мне кажется,что сейчас не приходится говорить о науке,принадлежащей какому-либо религиозному течению,или,даже,какой-либо нации,границы стераются ИМХО 17.11.2001 05:26:45, Ольга Одат

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