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Аня Левченко

Жителям Калифорнии

Если вам это интересно, завтра будет рассматриваться вопрос, делать ли обязательными прививки от геп. А и Превнар для школьников. Сейчас их можно делать по желанию.
Если вам не все равно, вы сегодня еще можете позвонить вашему сенатору.
Подробно ниже.

[Please forward this to anyone you know in California and medical
professionals around the country concerned about increasing vaccine
mandates. We all need to help - if they mandate hepatitis A and
pneumococcal vaccines statewide for children there, the rest of us are next!
Everyone is watching what they will do in California. Dawn ]


California lawmakers are holding an informational hearing on whether or not
they should mandate two controversial vaccines being marketed for children -
hepatitis A and pneumococcal - on Wednesday, 1/23, at 1:30 p.m. in the State
Capitol California Room 4203.

As you can see by the agenda and expert witness list below, it is grossly
stacked against parents concerned about the safety and necessity of these
vaccines. Barbara Loe Fisher from NVIC will be the lone voice on our side.

We need to help balance the scales back to reason and parental authority. If
you can attend the hearing - please do. A high attendance of concerned
parents will speak volumes. If you can't attend, the fax and phone numbers

Offer whatever common sense and informational testimony against these
vaccine mandates that you can. A list of the questions being asked of the
experts is included at the bottom of this note; this may help you think
about things to write. List any degrees that you have by your name when you
sign your testimony and make sure to include your contact information so
committee members can contact you with any questions. Don't be shy if you
are out of state since they are inviting as a witness a forced vaccination
proponent from Texas and vaccine manufacturer Merck.

The good news is several committee members have already expressed concerns
about mandating these vaccines - so let's give them the backing they need to
make the right decision.

Please fax a copy of your testimony to NVIC (www.909shot.com) so they can
add you to their mailing list to keep updated on this and other vaccines
issues at (703) 938-5768.


Assemblymember Anthony Pescetti (author of the bill AB1354-Pneumococcal
Vaccine, you MUST send him a copy for this to be entered into the bill
analysis presented to the committee)
State Capitol, Room 4158
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)319-2110
phone:(916) 319-2010

Assemblymember Juan Vargas (author of the bill AB182-Hep A, you MUST send
him a copy for this to be entered into the info presented to the committee)
State Capitol, Room 2188
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)319-2179
phone: (916)319-2079

California Senate Health and Human Services Committee
12 Committee Members:

Senator Deborah Ortiz
Chair- Health and Human Services Committee
State Capitol, Room 5114
Sacramento, CA 95814
consultant Andrea Margolis phone: (916)445-5965

Senator Ray Haynes
Vice Chair - Health and Human Services Committee
State Capitol, Room 2187
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)447-9008
phone: (916)445-9781

Senator Jim Battin
State Capitol, Room 3074
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)327-2187
consultant Tammy- phone- (916)445-5581

Senator Wesley Chesbro
State Capitol, Room 4081
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)323-6958

Senator Martha Escutia
State Capitol, Room 5080
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)327-8755

Senator Liz Figueroa
State Capitol, Room 2057
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)327-2433

Senator Sheila Kuehl
State Capitol, Room 4032
Sac, CA 95814
Fax (916) 324-4823

Senator Bill Morrow
State Capitol, Room 4048
Sac, CA 95814
fax: (760)434-8223 and (949)489-8354

Senator Richard Polanco
State Capitol, Room 313
Sac, CA 95814
fax: (916)445-0413

Senator Gloria Romero
State Capitol, Room 4062
Sac, CA 95814
fax: (916)445-0485

Senator John Vasconcellos
State Capitol, Room 5108
Sac, CA 95814
fax: (916)324-0283

Senator Edward Vincent
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: (916)445-3712
phone (916)445-2104

22.01.2002 20:33:24,

18 комментариев

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Чччерт, только теперь прочитала. Обязательно бы высказала свое: NOOOOO! Блин, только этого еще не хватало. Скорее бы перерасти этот превнар. 23.01.2002 07:15:08, Трюфель
Вечное лето
Мне не всё равно. Я "за" обязательные вакцины. Но не думаю, что станет обязательным. 22.01.2002 20:35:41, Вечное лето
Поразительно. А что, у вас гепатит А еще не обязателен? 22.01.2002 21:00:18, Natsi
Вечное лето
Нет вроде. 22.01.2002 21:02:34, Вечное лето
А что такое "обязателен"? Вот у нас все прививки считаются добровольным делом - не хочешь, не прививай. 22.01.2002 21:02:24, Лангуста
Аня Левченко
Значит, в садик и школу не пустят ребенка, если нет официального отвода от прививок. А его не во всех штатах можно взять, да и в тех где можно, мало кто знает об этом. 22.01.2002 21:08:17, Аня Левченко
Да я думаю у нас тоже проблема отказаться от прививок. 22.01.2002 21:10:01, Natsi
Обязателен-это в смысле прививают централизованно и родитель об этом не думает. Вот например от ветрянки у нас необязательно. То есть можно, но родитель сам об этом должен заботиться. 22.01.2002 21:06:58, Natsi
Аня Левченко
Не совсем так. например, мой бывший педиатр предлагал Превнар родителям, и хоть она в Канаде не обязательна, почти все родители детей прививали. Не совсем централизованно, но вакцина также может рекомендоваться для врачей, и они в свою очередь будут ее предлагать родителям. Но для школы она не обязательна. В нек-х штатах могут быть различия между общепринятым графиком прививок и обязательными для школы. 22.01.2002 21:12:01, Аня Левченко
У нас тоже рекомендуют эту прививку. И я даже подумываю ее сделать. Но расхождений в обязательных у нас нет. Потому что здесь все как один штат. 22.01.2002 21:14:26, Natsi
Аня Левченко
Почему же, Превнар по-моему уже обязательный в некоторых штатах. А тебе не нравится вариант, когда ты можешь сама выбирать, прививать от данной болезни или нет? Скажем, как внизу написано, геп. А вообще-то не очень распространен в Калифорнии. Почему бы родителям самим не решить, прививать от него или нет? 22.01.2002 20:43:37, Аня Левченко
Вечное лето
Я сама прививаю всё, т.е. я "за". Для меня лично и многих людей не привитых безопаснее, если будут прививать поголовно, а не избирательно.

А родителям я в этом деле не доверяю. Очень мало из них действительно поинтересуются что и как. Многие сделают "как соседка".
Если нельзя по медицинским соображениям, то не привьют и так.
22.01.2002 20:48:02, Вечное лето
Аня Левченко
А у тебя нет мысли, что слишком много прививок для детей может быть нехорошо? 22.01.2002 21:23:51, Аня Левченко
Вечное лето
Я не хочу вступать в дебаты по поводу прививок, абортов, религии и прочего :)) 22.01.2002 21:26:29, Вечное лето
Аня Левченко
ОК, я в дебаты и не собиралась, просто любопытно (-) 22.01.2002 21:28:36, Аня Левченко
Вечное лето
Задумывалась, много читала. Но ничего не прочла, что было бы для меня решающим фактором для "против". 22.01.2002 22:14:27, Вечное лето
Согласна 22.01.2002 20:50:19, Ёлка1
Аня Левченко
Informational Hearing of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services


Wednesday, January 23, 2002
1:30 p.m.
State Capitol, California Room 4203


Senator Deborah Ortiz, Chair, and other present Members


Dean Blumberg, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, U.C. Davis School of Medicine
Chair, State Immunization Advisory Board

Barbara Loe Fisher
Co-Founder and President
National Vaccine Information Center

Fernando Guerra, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P. (Invited)
Director of Health, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Texas Health Science Center

Thomas Prendergast , M.D., M.P.H.
Public Health Officer, San Bernardino County
Chair, Epidemiology and Disease Control Committee
California Conference of Local Health Officers

Patricia Samuelson, M.D.
Medical Director
Sacramento Urban Indian Health Project, Inc.

Alan Shaw, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Virus & Cell Biology
Merck Research Laboratories

Natalie Smith, M.D.
Chief, Immunization Branch
California Department of Health Services


General Vaccine Policy-making:
1. What vaccines are currently mandated for school entry? When, and based
on what, were they mandated?
2. How do the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of
Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Practice develop their
recommendations on immunization practices?
3. Do these organizations ever make recommendations regarding school
mandates, or only medical practice (i.e., what should be routine care)?
4. Do the Department of Health Services and county health departments have
legal authority to mandate vaccines statewide or in particular counties? If
so, do they ever exercise this authority? If not, for what reasons?
5. What can and/or should California do about vaccine shortages?

School Mandates vs. Voluntary:
1. How do mandates affect vaccination rates?
2. What type and quality of evaluation/assessment system does California
have to verify the effectiveness of school mandates?
3. Who gets vaccinated and who does not in the absence of a mandate?
4. How can we get accurate direct cost estimates on mandating vaccines?
5. How can we get cost-benefit analyses on vaccine mandates?
6. How do other states implement mandates and handle exemptions?
7. How (based on what) should the Legislature decide when to use school
8. Do parents and schools know about and understand the "opt out" provision
in the law? If not, what should be done about that (if anything)?

Vaccine Safety:
1. How does the Food and Drug Administration license vaccines, thereby
making them available to children?
2. How does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program work? What are
its strengths and weaknesses?
3. How does the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) work? What
are its strengths and weaknesses?
4. What is the scientific basis for safety concerns?
5. What evidence is there that too many vaccines will be unsafe for
children? What evidence is there to the contrary?
6. What should the Legislature and public health community do about public
concerns regarding too many vaccines?

Current Issues:

Hepatitis A:
1. What are the reasons that California should make this vaccine mandatory
for school entrance given that the vaccine is available, being used
regularly and voluntarily, and hepatitis A rates are at an all-time low in
2. Who is not getting vaccinated because of the absence of a school mandate?
3. In what parts of the state are rates high, where are they low, and for
what reasons?
4. In communities/counties where rates are high, are people being educated
on how to prevent the spread of the disease? If so, is that not enough? If
not, should the Legislature and/or public health community do more?
5. Are children not better off contracting mild diseases such as hepatitis A
or chicken pox, thereby developing life-long immunity?

Meningitis in teens/young adults:
1. The fatalities from meningococcal meningitis last year in the Sacramento
area led to significant public concern, yet we were told that there was no
evidence of an epidemic or even an outbreak. What could be done in the
future to avoid so much public fear?
2. Is there more we should be doing to prevent the spread of meningococcal
3. What is the progress/status of the Department's strategic plan on
meningitis, as per SB 212 (Oller, 2001)?
4. What vaccine(s) is used to immunize against this disease? What are the
risks of the vaccine(s)?
5. Is the meningitis vaccine only effective for approximately five years?

Pneumococcal infection in young children:
1. Is Prevnar being marketed for ear infections or other conditions for
which it has not been licensed?
2. What risks are associated with Prevnar?
3. Should the Legislature be concerned with the cost of this vaccine (or any
other) in considering a mandate?
4. Should the Legislature be concerned with the current shortage of this
vaccine (or any other) in considering a mandate?

4:00 - 4:30 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT

22.01.2002 20:33:48, Аня Левченко

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