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Аня Левченко

Американским мамам

Собственно, это относится к США, но, может, канадским мамам тоже будет интересно почитать.

Как вы наверное знаете, не так давно ААР нашла, что кол-во ртути, попадающее в детский организм посредством прививок (консервант тимерозал состоит почти наполовину из этиловой ртути) значительно превышает допустимые нормы и рекомендовала американским производителям вакцин как можно скорее перейти на выпуск вакцин, не содержащих тимерозал. (Ртуть прежде всего оказывает негативный эффект на нервную систему и мозг, к-е продолжают развиваться после рождения и наиболее интенсивно в первые годы жизни; собственно, нельзя сказать, что есть безопасное кол-во ртути, лучше, чтобы ее вообще не было в организме).

Первая тимерозал-фри вакцина уже лицензирована, это вакцина от гепатита В. Но так как кол-во выпущенной вакцины еще невелико и так как остались приличные запасы старой вакцины (жалко, денег ведь сколько!), было принято решение сначала израсходовать старую вакцину, новая в основном будет даваться только новорожденным и только как первая прививка (при отсутствии запасов новой вакцины новорожденные НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ ПРИВИВАТЬСЯ, за исключением детей из группы риска - мама-носитель и т.д.). Расчет на то, что большинство родителей ничего об этой теме не знают.

Если вашему ребенку предстоит прививка от гепатита В, вы имеете полное право потребовать тимерозал-фри вакцину или вы можете принять решение отложить вакцинацию до тех пор, пока новая вакцина не станет более доступной (серию прививок заново начинать не надо).
Также хочу вам сказать, что канадские вакцины, за исключением гепатита В, не содержат тимерозал в качестве консерванта. Если вас беспокоит наличие ртути в прививках, вы можете постараться достать канадские вакцины.

15.06.2000 03:58:09,

10 комментариев

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Я вообще как-то не возьму в толк,
зачем гепВ. На случай переливания
крови? Тут и без ртути подумать надо.
К половому созреванию прививка уже
не действует или вполне может подождать
до сего радостного момента.
16.06.2000 03:08:26, Оля
Аня Левченко
Ну это все-таки личное дело каждого. Я своему ее вообще делать не собираюсь, по крайней мере не с тем кол-вом инфо, к-я сейчас о ней имеется (вернее, не имеется).
NVIC посчитал, что серьезных реакций, отрапортованных VAERS, начиная от госпитализации кончая смертью на гепатит В в 20 раз больше, чем детей, заболевших гепатитом. Хотя VAERS не признается настоящей статистикой,т.к. реакции никем не изучаются (почему?!!), но известно, что докладывается только 1 - 10% реакций. Общая картина выглядит совсем нехорошо.
16.06.2000 04:58:39, Аня Левченко
Аня Левченко
Ну это все-таки личное дело каждого. Я своему ее вообще делать не собираюсь, по крайней мере не с тем кол-вом инфо, к-я сейчас о ней имеется (вернее, не имеется).
NVIC посчитал, что серьезных реакций, отрапортованных VAERS, начиная от госпитализации кончая смертью на прививку гепатит В в 20 раз больше, чем детей, заболевших гепатитом. Хотя VAERS не признается настоящей статистикой,т.к. реакции никем не изучаются (почему?!!), но известно, что докладывается только 1 - 10% реакций. Общая картина выглядит совсем нехорошо.
16.06.2000 04:58:15, Аня Левченко
[пусто] 15.06.2000 06:57:24
Аня Левченко
Мария, я не могу тебе сказать какие стоит делать, а какие нет. Это каждый родитель должен сам решить. Если тебе интересно, я могу дать тебе ссылки для изучения этого вопроса, но быстро ты решение все равно не примешь, эта тема очень запутанная и сложная.

Вообще вы делать ничего не обязаны, даже в школу в большинстве штатов без прививок можно ходить. Клинтон хочет запустить программу, благодаря к-й иммунизация и соц. сфера будут увязаны. Т.е. если детям не хватает хоть одной прививки, семья не сможет пользоваться никакими соц. услугами, выплатами, программами (бедные семьи), а также при заполнении налогового отчета нельзя будет списывать ничего на детей. Программа будет охватывать все штаты, т.е. иммунизационный статус ребенка (и взрослых в перспективе) будет всегда известен. Я надеюсь, что эту программу не смогут воплотить в жизнь,хотя бы потому, что это вопиющее нарушение прав человека. так америка вообще далеко заедет.
15.06.2000 23:31:57, Аня Левченко
[пусто] 16.06.2000 00:34:40
Аня Левченко
Мне очень нравится форум на Бэйбисентер


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и т.д. Этих ссылок достаточно для выхода на все остальные. А ниже статья, к-я меня впечатлила больше всего.

compiled by Hilary Butler.
25 Harrisville Road, Tuakau 1982, NEW ZEALAND.
SUMMARY: This paper looks at medical articles which suggest that vaccines are damaging the immune system of some babies, and that the potentially immunosuppressive nature of vaccines could be contributing to the death, and ill-health of our babies – and therefore our children, and future generations.

· · While the abstract as published was by necessity focussed on a small part (the final mechanism of SIDS in vaccinated babies) of what I see as a huge diverse problem, I cannot explain the abstract clearly in 15 minutes. In order to understand the abstract in a total context, it must be viewed as a small part of a whole. This paper is written for both lay and medical people, and attempts to place the final mechanism of SIDS in vaccinated babies in its proper broadest context.
There are no epidemiological studies published which can confirm or deny what has
been demonstrated to be fact in small case studies, compared to controls. I believe that this is because the right questions have not yet been asked, and all l studies so far have been designed to prove current medical assumptions, and perhaps the belief that the more complicated the findings the more legitimate the theory.
I CHALLENGE immunologists whose speciality is endotoxin effect to thoroughly investigate the science behind this paper with the view to working towards supporting and working with the baby’s existing immune system using where possible natural means and methods.
FOR THIS REASON this paper will be sent world-wide for serious thought and consideration.
I TAKE NO CREDIT for thecontents of this paper, beyond being the brain which can see the link, and the shovel who put it in one heap. Is not research simply expanding upon, and adding to logically blended plagiarism?
ALL THE CREDIT must go to Dr Henry Tissier, Dr Theobald Smith, Dr Erik Olsen, Dr Beller and Graeff, Dr Bendig and Haenel, Dr Robin Combs and many many others – but primarily to Dr Robert Reisinger, who introduced me to them all, and helped drag my brain through the science required to understand it.
At www.erols.com/drrobert.sids 3810 Dustin Rd, Burtonsville MD 20966-1014.

H. Butler, Co-Spokesperson, Immunisation Awareness Society, P.O. Box 56-048, Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand.
Veterinary studies show E.Coli to be the major cause of death, (including SIDS) in all mammals so far studied including calves, piglets, rhesus monkeys, foals etc. The primary cause has been established to be large numbers of E.coli in the more absorptive portions of the gastro-intestinal (G.I.) tract. The one published study in human infants yielded similar results (Bendig, J and Haenel, H.: 1969). Bettelhem K et al., established (1988) E.Coli association with SIDS, and Oppenhem B et al (1994) antibody evidence of systemic endotoxemia in SIDS.
Capps R.B.et al (1955) stated DPT caused temporary liver dysfunction in infants similar to that caused by viral hepatitis. Anser S and Habig W (1990) showed DPT vaccine endotoxin significantly disrupts P-450, and other microsomal and cytosolic enzyme activities (which detoxify endotoxin) in mice. Since gastrointestinal E.coli is detoxified by the liver, any suppression of the RE (Reticulo endothelial) system by vaccines places a baby at risk of death by endotoxin effect. Rook, G.A.W (1997) details other ways vaccines disrupt the immune system.
The effect of neonatal endotoxin encephalopathy was stated by Reisinger, R.C. (1973) and demonstrated by Gilles, F.H. et al (1974). Reisinger’s "A final mechanism of cardiac and respiratory failure" (1974) stated that platelet injury by endotoxin may result in a dramatic rise in serotonin. Serotonin can intiate coronary chemoreflex causing profound bradycardia, hypotension and cardiac collapse. Tissier. H (1900 and 1925) reported that bottlefed babies have much higher levels of intestinal E.Coli than breastfed babies, a fact subsequently demonstrated by others. Hauck F.R. (1996) and others have stated that bottle-fed babies had three times the risk of SIDS as breastfed babies. Pourcyrous, M et al (1998) detailed severe cardio-respiratory symptoms of apnea, bradycardia, and oxygen desaturation (compatible with E.Coli endotoxemia) following administration of DPT vaccines, and Hib, HBV and IPV together. Although immunological findings suggested bacterial infection, no foci could be found. Woodruff P.W.H. et al showed (1973) showed absense of foci is consistent with evidence of endotoxemia of intestinal origin as a result of reticuloendothelial system damage. Many articles establish that breastfeeding dramatically reduces E. Coli colonisation. Svanborg C (1995 and 1999) expands dramatically medical understanding of breastmilk’s immunological policing properties.
1. Reisinger, R.C.: A final mechanism of cardiac and respiratory failure. Pub. In SIDS 1974. Proc. Of Camps International Symp. on SUD in Infancy. Also congressional record S.1745, September 20, 1973. Website: erols.com/drrobert.sids
2. Pourcyrous, M. et al., Interleukin-6, C-Reactive Protein, and Abnormal Cardiorespiratory Responses to Immunization in Premature Infants. Pediatrics Vol. 101 No. 3, March 1998.

Health Professionals are generally ignorant as to the effects of immunisations and breastfeeding on the immune system. The official line is that vaccines affect the body the same way as disease and give the same immunity. And we can also be told that breast milk is not good enough to do the job. Here are three typical examples :
Letters to the Editor, New Zealand Herald, Friday, June 25, 1999: A 10.
Hanafiah Blackmore misses the crucial issues to do with immunisation and is factually inaccurate.
Vaccination is not against all childhood diseases and in not intended to be. The purpose of vaccination is to prevent severe diseases that threaten the health of children. Vaccination would never be used against the huge range of mild childhood diseases. In New Zealand it is directed only at nine particularly severe diseases.
Immunisation conveys the same immunity to a specific disease as catching the disease does. It is the same immune mechanism and results in the same immune response. As soon as babies are born, they are introduced to at leas
16.06.2000 04:49:30, Аня Левченко
Аня Левченко
The researchers of this study were observing exactly what Dr Reisinger described in 1974. These babies given whole-cell DPT, or Hib, HBV and IPV showed signs compatible with endotoxemia. Vaccines have the capacity to temporarily disarm the reticulo-endothelial system which is the primary detoxification agent of E. Coli endotoxin from the gut. An acute rise in E. Coli endotoxin unprocessed by the liver, would then enter into the blood-stream. The symptoms exhibited by these babies reflect the classically known clinical signs of endotoxemia/endoxic shock, and had there not been stimulation and oxygen saturation, they would probably have died from the "final mechanism" according to the pathways set down by Dr Robert Reisinger..
What disturbs me most is that with everything that is known, and has been written about endotoxic shock, these researchers had no idea what they were looking at. Without the researchers realising it, this study proved the mechanism by which DPT vaccine can, and does cause SIDS in babies.
They assumed that what they saw was caused ONLY by finite amounts of endotoxin in the pertussis vaccine. Even though other vaccines caused the same symptoms.
This is because they missed the actual mechanism, and the fact that further endotoxin is supplied from the gut of babies with a temperature, or under stress, especially bottle-fed babies. The P450 enzyme pathway is the only way a baby has to deal with endotoxin from the gut. The P450 system is one of several shut down temporarily by the DPT vaccine. That some babies were asymptomatic in spite of elevated CRP could reflect less P450 disruption, and/or a lower concentration of E. Coli in their gut therefore slower endotoxin absorption into the bloodstream. It does not just reflect the endotoxin component in the vaccine.

· · · In my opinion, the skewed immune response produced by immature babies given multiple vaccines is one factor which is capable of causing SIDS in babies, and is in critical need of urgent study.
The fact that there was nothing in the references of the article quoted above which detailed previous work on this, suggests that the researchers are oblivious to the effects of vaccine endotoxin, immunology relating to vaccines, or the animla and human research on the relation of E.Coli in the gut, and vaccine induced liver-failure best described by Dr Reisinger’s "mechanism of respiratory failure relating to endotoxic shock".,
Such a basic lack of knowledge means that the right questions cannot be asked, since the basic knowledge is absent. It is therefore understandable that "experts" view the end-point of antibodies as the only meaningful consideration when discussing vaccines, and mistakenly consider that vaccines create "natural" immunity. But……
Having read the above, do you still feel that vaccines create the same immunity as disease?
For those who believe vaccines are just "bugs" or toxins, the following would be educational. We put vaccines into our children with the following:
"A combined DT vaccine contains a large number of antigens, i.e. the two toxoids and the remaining impurities, and in such a vaccine, aluminium may no longer be a major cause of side-effects" (Acta Paediatr 1994, Volume 83, p 162)
"Many antigens in current vaccines are irrelevant and may actually be harmful." (New Ethicals April 1990, Vol 27, No 4, pg 45.) …including mercury, which has been a source of concern to me for many years. The type of mercury used is thiomersal (ethyl mercury), which has the same action as methylmercury. The World Health Organisation has been looking at this issue since 1990, and has only now suggested that Thiomersal be removed from all vaccines.
These are injected into new-born babies, through a needle, by-passing all normal search and destroy, or Th1,portals of entry. They have the potential to skew the immune system to an abnormal Th2 system. They do not in any way, shape or form resemble an inhaled or swallowed bacteria or virus which may provoke signs of a specific disease, because they are changed, attenuated, and presented as multi-antigens, directly into the body along with heavy metal derivatives, other contaminants and antibiotics.
And the question has to be asked about new oral vaccines as well.
Take the new Rotavirus vaccine, which was withdrawn from the market in 1999 on suspicion that it causes bowel obstruction in babies. Parents were told that "It’s just against a nasty wee diarrhoea bug, and we’’l just give these wee drips the natural way, in the mouth." (No-one was be told that breastfed babies don’t get Rotaviral diarrhroea)
But was the vaccine just a wee diarrhoea bug? No. This description taken from the package insert of WyethAyerst Oral Rotavirus vaccine called Rotashield describes the contents as being rotaviruses are grown in aborted monkey fetal tissue, (which has been "immortalised", and self replicates ad nauseum, the same as human aborted fetal cultures do). Added to this is blood taken from calves still inside their mothers in the meat works (Fetal bovine serum), neomycin sulfate and amphotericin B, which the package inserts say "are removed but still in the final product at a concentration of less that 1 ug per dose". Are they removed or not? Added to the final vaccine product is sucrose, monosodium glutamate, potassium monophosphate and potassium diphosphate to stabilise the rotavirus. This is then mixed with an irradiated sterile citrate-bicarbonate diluent containing 9.6 mg/mL of citric acid and 25.6 mg/mL of sodium bicarbonate. This purpose of this diluent is to neutralise stomach acidity in the baby to prevent the acid in the baby’s gut from destroying the rotaviruses.
In other words, far from functioning "naturally" the purpose of this vaccine is to deliberately disrupt the normal immune system central to the gut’s patrolling function. The significance of this will become clearly obvious later.
But it is sufficient to say that injectable vaccines by-pass not only the Th1 immune system, but also the primary guard of a baby’s supplementary immune system – breastfeeding, and oral vaccines seek to disturb the normal process, and add in compounds which are not normally associated with the "little wee bug" in the first place.
Vaccines are in every sense of the world unnatural, and cause the baby to produce immunity which is back to front. Yes, there might be antibodies (no guarantee), but the body does not deal with vaccines in the normal order. Not only are they not simple little jabs, they are a cocktail of defined and undefined impurities, each component being an antigen in its own right, to which a separate immune response is required.
A more recent study has confirmed the link between adverse effects of multiple vaccines and Gulf War syndrome in military personel (Lancet, Volume 353, January 16, 1999 pgs 169-78) with further study on the Th1/Th2 dysfunction.
As Immunology Today explai
16.06.2000 04:51:12, Аня Левченко
http://www.eurosolve.com/charity/bava/vaccination.html 16.06.2000 02:40:40
В Калифорнии прививка от гепатита должна быть сделана в обязательном порядке к 7 классу. Про другие штаты инфо. не имеется. 15.06.2000 09:33:20, gibrid
Вау! Оч кстати, спасиб!
Ртуть, один из первых консервантов
в истории человечества. Я-то думала
он благополучно остался в истории:(
15.06.2000 04:14:44, Оля
Spasibo za predooprezhdenie! 15.06.2000 17:21:46, JMM

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